*‘Oh I am having a Caesarean so I can’t use Hypnobirthing.’ *not true.
So firstly, hypnobirthing is supportive for all types of birth…and there are a lot of misconceptions around this as I hear ‘Oh I am having a Caesarean so I can’t use hypnobirthing.’
With Caesarean birth can come a lot of fear / anxiety it is major surgery. I offer specific support and preparation for the run up to your Caesarean birth. Letting go of fear, having control of elements of your environment before, during, and after. Having the tools for yourself and your birth partner to ensure the experience is calm and positive. It is really important to feel at ease around the process and there are techniques you can use to help support this. Like affirmations, visualisation counter pressure techniques and of course utilising your Hypnobirthing audios. Hypnobirthing can also help with pain management, studies have shown that relaxation and engaging the parasympathetic nervous system, can actually help to encourage the healing process after surgery (which is amazing!).
Are you preparing for a Caesarean and have you considered Hypnobirthing?