Empowering you
to trust your body
for a birth you love.
What’s hypnobirthing?
Hypnobirthing is all about helping to support a positive birth experience, whether that’s induction, caesarean or vaginal. To be honest, the name Hypnobirthing is a little misleading. You might think it means you’re not in control, or it’s for people who don’t want any pain relief. That’s not the case at all. It’s based on hypnosis which is used to dispel fears, anxieties and phobias. In fact, using self-hypnosis techniques in conjuction with learning to trust the birth physiology process, can help support the body in the best way possible.
The term hypnosis means “a state during which a person experiences suggested changes in sensation, perception, thought or behaviour.”
Hypnobirthing involves relaxation, self-hypnosis and breathwork techniques to help relax the body before and during labour and birth, and can even be used after your baby is born. Clinical research also shows that hypnosis in childbirth can result in reduced pain, shorter labour and less medical intervention.
Your body is absolutely incredible. You will learn how to support it with a positive mindset and more confident thoughts feeding your subconscious mind.
The courses address how to harness your body’s relaxation response, to overcome fear and tension, using breathwork, visualisation, massage and affirmations.
I teach you and your partner that you have the right to determine the positive birth of your baby and how to navigate unexpected circumstances.

Other common questions…
Is hypnobirthing suitable for all births?
In short, yes. Hypnobirthing is suitable for all types of birth, be it vaginal, induction or caesarean. The course teaches you how to remain relaxed, reduce anxiety and feel empowered, in any given situation on the day of the birth of your baby.
Does hypnobirthing work?
It does - clinical studies have shown that hypnosis in childbirth can result in reduced pain, shorter labour and less medical intervention. Remaining relaxed during birth helps to keep the love hormone, oxytocin flowing, as well as your body’s natural painkillers, endorphins. It helps stem the tide of adrenalin, which is produced when you are fearful and causes the fight or flight response.
Does hypnobirthing make labour pain-free?
No one can guarantee you a pain-free labour, but hypnobirthing can help you feel more in control of your body and mind. Pain is subjective, and it isn’t really a helpful concept when it comes to birth. Your body produces hormones to progress labour and to help you to manage your contractions. Hypnobirthing is about reducing your anxiety in moments which could lead to a spike in adrenaline production, which can make contractions feel more overwhelming.
Should my birth partner attend the course?
It’s highly recommended for your birth partner to attend the course, without being essential. They will be armed with a toolkit of practical techniques to help support you, in the lead up to your baby’s birth, as well as gaining a great insight in to the physiological and emotional processes of labour.

There is no other organ quite like the uterus.
If men had such an organ, they would brag about it.
So should we.”
Ina May Gaskin